Robert Wall Emerson | 

Rob Wall Emerson is a Canadian ex patriate, living in the U.S. since coming down for his doctoral studies in 1994. He was trained as an English and science secondary school teacher and worked as a Teacher for Children with Visual Impairments in northern Manitoba (he is also ACVREP O&M certified) before heading south for his doctoral studies at Vanderbilt University. He has been in the Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies at Western Michigan University since 2004 and currently holds the rank of full professor. Rob has conducted research in a wide range of topics such as brain plasticity, early braille literacy, spatial hearing, complex intersections, accessible pedestrian signals, hybrid and electric vehicles, math education, descriptive video, and long cane biomechanics. He lives with his wife (also an O&M) and two children (future O&Ms) in Kalamazoo, Michigan.